第三百三十三章 武器(2 / 2)



&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp“……A la volonté du peuple【为了人民的意愿】/

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspEt à la santé du progrès,【为了社会的进步】/

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspRemplis ton c?ur d&#039un vin rebell【在胸中斟满叛逆的酒】/

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspEt à demain, ami fidèle.【致未来,我的朋友】”




















&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp向山轻轻哼唱:“Do you hear the people sing?Singing the song of angry men?It is the music of a peopleWho will not be slaves again!When the beating of your heartEchoes the beating of the drumsThere is a life about to startWhen tomorrow comes.”





&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp向山放声高歌:“Will you join in our crusade?Who will be strong and stand with me?Beyond the barricadeIs there a world you long to see?Then join in the fightThat will give you the right to be free!”

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